Holy Cow #23 Change of Plans

Aah... Change of mind, is it... Do you see something different? Mozzie customized Holy Cow blog too...
We have simpler navigation, Facebook integration and more humor.

Do you like it???

Holy Cow #22 and a New Domain

Oh yeah... take a look at the footer... a brand new domain, theholycow.co.in now thats something. Wuuu huuu!!!

Holy Cow #21

Aaah... the Holy level of choosing the right computer for you. Don't you hate it when the biscuit you dipped in tea breaks and falls inside? Just telling...


Holy Cow #20

This actually happened to me. Don't you really feel awkward meeting old friends who you know has recently grew rice in his farms?

Another toon on Social network. Don't worry, they will end soon.

Holy Cow #19

Not the exact thing to mention in a job interview, Mozzie. 

Holy Cow #18

Thats a new concept, Mozzie, think about it slowly. Talking.

If you are new here, Holy Cow!!! is a web comic publish, thrice a week or whenever I wake up from my sleep. 

And if you are a fan of humor, you can also check http://sidoscope.co.in for heavy dose in humor.

Holy Cow #17

Oh no... who is he? The guardian of the economy of the country? Has the person finally come out of the bag? Who can he be? Any guesses? Correct guess gets a prize.... really great price.

The feature I wish my smart phone had!

With so many features in a smart phone, sometimes one tends to forget the basic 'App' installed in all the phones. Sigh, many shocks in life. I miss my Nokia 3315, the rock who helped me trash bullies in college.

This Toon is an entry for 'Share Life' contest. Please do remember to vote for me if you liked this post. Thanks to Indiblogger and Tata DOCOMO for this opportunity.

This toon is part of Holy Cow!!! webcomic which publishes thrice a week, do not forget to follow for some quality life shocks, where every moment your mind screams.... Holy Cow!!!

Holy Cow #16

Making her your neighbor doesn't mean she is your girlfriend mister... or maybe it does, in some universe!!!

Holy Cow #15

I still no what you did last hour... it sure is a trick!!!

Holy Cow #14

Don't we all need one? But we sometimes forget the essentials in life don't we?

Holy Cow #12

Help a friend in need, and he will remember you only in need.

Holy Cow #11

Well, yes, I must agree the phone did go faster? Isn't it a fitting end to the Gadget addiction series?

Holy Cow #10

Will he ever? Will anyone ever?

Holy Cow #9

Its not that I don't like geeks with gadgets, its just that, take a break, watch dancing squirrels...who also sing better than Himesh.

P.s. If you did not understand the joke, assume you are a geek.

Holy Cow #8

The gadget addiction continues....

Holy Cow #7

The common stages of Gadget addiction: Know someone who is addicted to gadget this way? 

How to say the perfect goodbye to your ex-gf

This post has NOT been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 13; the thirteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write.
Ok I always wanted to do that...sorry Marshal. Heh Heh heh.

Enjoy Sunday.

Holy Cow #6

How many of you have told such a cheap lie and got caught? Introducing the Boss, aka Jhandu Balm, character profile coming soon, lets assume he is sarcastic for now!!!

Its Friday....enjoy your weekend.

Holy Cow #5

When we dream in color, it is in Technicolor or RGB colors?

Holy Cow #4

Because friends speak many languages....

Holy Cow #3

Dumb dumb, dumb dumb dumb!!!

Holy Cow #2

To know more about the characters, read here.

Chamya Gabale #1

The original comics I used to draw during college days. It reflects on student life and adventures between two roomies.

The Breakup

Moral of the story: Don't get distracted while doing your work.


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 12; the twelfth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
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This blog will publish hi-quality original cartoons, all your favorite comics series from Sidoscope (Ice Tea, A day without coffee series, How to Series) and many more will continue on Holy Cow from now on. Holy Cow showcase will get you some difference variety of comics and comic author.

If you are a comic writer looking for a break in publishing your work, send in your sample portfolio (blog name or attachments) to ossum [at] sidoscope.co.in

What are you waiting for? Go on, keep following, you won't regret it.


P.s. As usual another story on human emotions and a spherical way of life is posted on Sidoscope, the original blog. Do read it here.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Holy Cow Updates every Sunday noon. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, RSS feed or Email to get notified about the update.
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